High Load Server
One of the main benefit of Glue technology is speed, which is achieved by fast and effectiove Slim technology. Below is step-by-step guide to of high-load server. You can also choose between parallel and syncronous version of the test. The guide is quite brief in some places. For details, please check the demo.
1. Create new blank C# solution and add Class Library project DemoContracts
with the reference to NFX (e.g. via NuGet)
2. Add IHighLoadService.cs file with the following contents:
public interface IHighLoadService
/// <summary>
/// Does not generate call receipt (one-way call)
/// </summary>
void Ping1();
/// <summary>
/// Generates call receipt (two-way call)
/// </summary>
void Ping2();
3. Add new C# Console Application project DemoServer
with the references to NFX and DemoContracts
project. Add DemoServer.laconf laconic configuration file:
type="NFX.Glue.Native.SyncBinding, NFX"
contract-servers=$"DemoServer.HighLoadService, DemoServer"
Be sure to set Build Action : None and Copy to Output Directory: Always in the config file properties.
4. Add HighLoadService.cs file with the contents:
public class HighLoadService : IHighLoadService
public void Ping1()
public void Ping2()
5. Add the following code to the Main
method of DemoServer.Program.cs file
using (var application = new ServiceBaseApplication(args, null))
Console.WriteLine("server is running...");
Console.WriteLine("Glue servers:");
foreach (var service in App.Glue.Servers)
Console.WriteLine(" " + service);
6. Add the last one C# Console Application project DemoClient
with the references to NFX and DemoContracts
Add DemoClient.laconf laconic configuration file:
type="NFX.Glue.Native.SyncBinding, NFX"
Again, be sure to set Build Action : None and Copy to Output Directory: Always in the file properties.
7. Create client proxy class that will operate with the service above:
gluec "$(SolutionDir)DemoContracts/bin/Debug/DemoContracts.dll" /o out="$(SolutionDir)DemoClient" cl-suffix="AutoClient"
Rebuild DemoContracts
project and add the file HighLoadServiceAutoClient.cs to the DemoClient
project (the file will appear in the root of the project).
8. Add the following code to the Main
method of DemoClient.Program.cs:
using (var application = new ServiceBaseApplication(args, null))
using (var client = new HighLoadServiceAutoClient("sync://localhost:8080"))
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadLine();
var cmd = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
exeCommand(client, cmd);
Add the following method:
private static void exeCommand(HighLoadServiceAutoClient client, string[] cmd)
var ops = cmd[0].AsInt();
var isOneWay = cmd[1].AsBool();
var isParallel = cmd[2].AsBool();
var timer = new Stopwatch();
if (isOneWay)
if (isParallel)
Parallel.For(0, ops, i => client.Ping1());
for (int i=0; i<ops; i++)
if (isParallel)
Parallel.For(0, ops, i => client.Ping2());
for (int i = 0; i < ops; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Executed: {0} ops {1} {2}", ops, isOneWay ? "one-way" : "", isParallel ? "parallel" : "");
Console.WriteLine("Total time: {0} ms", timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
Console.WriteLine("Performance: {0} ops/sec", (ops / timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds).AsInt());
You will also need to add usings
using System.Diagnostics;
using NFX;
using NFX.ApplicationModel;
using DemoContracts.GluedClients;
9. Run DemoServer
server host and start the DemoClient
client application.
Execute the following commands sequentially: "100000 true false", "100000 true true", "100000 false true", "100000 false false".
The output will be like
Executed: 100000 ops one-way
Total time: 1005 ms
Performance: 99414 ops/sec
Executed: 100000 ops one-way parallel
Total time: 433 ms
Performance: 230915 ops/sec
Executed: 100000 ops parallel
Total time: 1028 ms
Performance: 97246 ops/sec
Executed: 100000 ops
Total time: 4008 ms
Performance: 24949 ops/sec