Command Args Configuration
You can create special type of configuration NFX.Environment.CommandArgsConfiguration
based on arguments supplied from command line which is string[]
Arguments start with either "/" or "-" prefix.
If any argument is not prefixed then it is written as an auto-named (?index
) attribute node of the root with its value set, otherwise a section (under root) with argument's name is created.
Any argument may have options. Any option may either consist of name or name value pair delimited by "=".
Argument options are written as attribute nodes of their corresponding sections.
If option value specified without name (without "=") then option is auto-named.
Let argsStr
variable contains the following command args string:
tool.exe c:\input.file d:\output.file -compress level=10 method=zip -shadow fast swap=1024 /large
The code
var args = argsStr.Split(new char[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var conf = new CommandArgsConfiguration(args);
var result = conf.ToLaconicString();
will transform it into laconic configuration: