Inventory Data Extractor
The tool is designed to extract the metadata from assembly items decorated with [Inventory] attribute. Inventory tool is utilized by Enterprise CMDB Solutions
Metadata Example:
namespace NFX.IO
[Inventory(Concerns=SystemConcerns.Testing | SystemConcerns.MissionCriticality)]
public abstract class ReadingStreamer : Streamer
CLI use:
inventory assembly_list [/h | /? | /help]
[/filter | /f [attributed= true|false]
[enddate=value] ]
[{/s | /strat | /strategy fully_qualified_type_name }]
assembly_list - a list of assembly file names delimited by ";"
/h | /help | /? - displays help message
/f | /filter - specifies filter.
Multiple filters get combined using AND logical operator:
tiers - a comma-separated set of flags:
{ GUI, AppServer, DBServer, SystemServer, NotificationBus, All}
concerns - a comma-separated set of flags :
{ Security, Development, Testing, Deployment, Release,
Testability, Configuration, Performance, Maintainability,
MissionCriticality, Licensing, Features, Requirements, Luck}
technology - tecnology name such as "Oracle" or "MongoDB"
schema - schema name, i.e. a name of database schema
tool - name of tool that inventory is performed for
attributed - specifies whether to include only types
that are tagged with [Inventory] attribute
startdate - datetime compared to inventory start date that
has to be greater or equal than/to this value
enddate - datetime compared to inventory end date that
has to be less or equal than/to this value
/s | /strat | /strategy - injects inventorization strategy type,
this switch may repeat for multiple types.
If omitted, then Basic,RecordModel strategies are used by default.
fully_qualified_type_name - must be fully qualified
inventory NFX.dll;Aum.dll -f attributed=false
Inventorizes all types, regardless of Inventory attribute NFX and Aum dlls
using default set of inventorization strategies
inventory MyTypes.dll /f technology="Oracle" schema="products"
Inventorizes Inventory-attributed types in MyTypes.dll
that have particular technology and schema attribute fields specified
inventory MyTypes.dll
/f technology="MongoDB" schema="products" tiers=DBServer
/s "NFX.Inventorization.RecordModelInventorization, NFX"
Inventorizes Inventory-attributed types in MyTypes.dll, using only
RecordModelInventorization strategy declared in NFX.dll,
that have particular technology and schema attribute fields specified