Parallel integer summation challenge Erlang vs CLR/C#
Today we have done an interesting benchmark in C# and Erlang. Basically the point was to compare the brevity and performance of two inherently different langs/approaches:
Erlang r16b:
$ cat t.erl
-export([t/0, t/1, ct/1, ct/2]).
-define(DEF_CNT, 10000000).
t() ->
t(N) when is_integer(N) ->
time_it(fun() -> test(N) end, N).
ct(Threads) ->
ct(?DEF_CNT, Threads).
ct(N, Threads) when is_integer(N), is_integer(Threads) ->
time_it(fun() -> ctest(N, Threads) end, N * Threads).
time_it(Fun, Divisor) ->
{T, Result} = timer:tc(Fun),
{T / (Divisor/1000000) / 1000, Result}.
ctest(N, M) ->
Pids = spawner(self(), N, M),
lists:foldl(fun(Pid, S) ->
receive {Pid, Sum} -> S+Sum end
end, 0, Pids).
spawner(_, _, 0) ->
spawner(Owner, N, M) ->
[spawn(fun() -> loop(Owner, N) end) | spawner(Owner, N, M-1)].
loop(Pid, N) ->
Sum = test(N),
Pid ! {self(), Sum}.
test(N) -> test(N, 0).
test(0, M) -> M;
test(N, M) -> test(N-1, M+1).
C#, NET 4:
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
const int CNT = 100000000;
const int SPLIT = 1000000;
var tasks = new Task<long>[CNT / SPLIT];
var w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for(int i=0,start=0; i < CNT / SPLIT; i++)
tasks[i] = new Task<long>( () =>
long lsum = 0;
long end = start + SPLIT;
for(int c=start; c<end; c++)
return lsum;
long sum = tasks.Sum( t => t.Result);
var rate = CNT / (w.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);
Text =
string.Format("Total: {0} in {1} ms at {2}/sec {3} msec/million ",
CNT, w.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, rate, w.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds / (CNT / 1000000));
Text += sum.ToString();
Test results are really interesting:
- .NET 0.22 msec per million
- Erlang does this is 1.5 msec per million
CLR is 6.8 faster for this test.
Some other facts. Linear loop single threaded that sums integers (not optimized out of code, I confirmed in disassembler) PHP code:
$CNT = 10000000;
$sum = 0;
$w = microtime(true);
for($i=0; $i<$CNT; $i++) $sum += 1;
$w = round((microtime(true)-$w)*1000,0);
PHP standard runtime: 1040ms
C#: 2ms
CLR is 500 times faster that PHP for this simple test
Dmitriy Khmaladze
May 15, 2013